Understanding Maskne and How to Prevent it

In order to fight COVID-19, people all over the world have started wearing masks. And while it is a necessary step to controlling its spread, it has caused many people to experience an annoying condition that has come to be known as maskne. This unpleasant skin condition has plagued many with skin irritation, unsightly acne, and skin blemishes that can be seen when the mask is off.
What Causes Maskne?
Maskne, also known as acne mechanica, has been a problem for a select group of people who wear masks or facial equipment as part of their jobs for many years. It’s only now that a wider population of people are experiencing it. Wearing masks can impose heat and friction on the skin, causing irritation.
Other factors such as moisture from breathing, sweating, or talking along with outside environmental factors can make your mask a haven for bacteria. If not properly cared for, the pores will become clogged and give way to the formation of pimples and cysts.
How to Prevent Maskne
Even though maskne has become a problem that plagues a great deal of people, it’s not impossible to handle. By incorporating a few simple skin care tips into your daily routine, you can bring maskne under control.
Washing your face with a gentle daily cleanser can do wonders for your skin. The cleanser should be oil and fragrant-free to avoid exposing your skin to harsh chemicals. The cleanser will help keep your skin free from dirt and oil that that sits on the surface of the skin.
One of the most important things that you can do to help keep your skin healthy when wearing your mask is keeping the mask clean. Making sure to wash it regularly can help protect you from the build-up of bacteria that occurs as you wear your mask in your daily life.
Contact Our Office
These useful tips can help protect you from maskne and keep your skin looking refreshed and healthy. If you’re interested in learning more about skincare tips that can help you bring your maskne under control, contact Gardner Facial Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today.